I saw this photo over at Pinch Paisley’s Facebook page and thought many of our readers would appreciate a quick trip down memory lane. Pinch graciously allowed me to snipe it. Photographer’s own caption to this great “nostalgic image” is:
“There was a reason they called the F-14 a ‘flying tennis court’”.
What’s your caption? (submit in comments below).
Also if you would like to have one of your images posted here on TDB, please send it to me,, or send me a link to it (if you already have it posted on the internet in a gallery somewhere) I’ll be glad to convey the 1,000 word stories of our history. Just contact me at [email protected] .
But I wanted to play badmiten!!!
Posted by: Logan | July 27, 2011 at 05:53
The F-15 also had the distinction of being called the "Twin Tailed Tennis Court" for the reason you need a lot of fuel to feed those thirsty engines and a lot of wing to keep it all flying.
Posted by: F4Jock | June 07, 2010 at 10:07
Navy Key West Ground, Navy Alpha Bravo 100, I have zero deflection on the transit line shack, can you ask them where my fuel truck is??
Posted by: Retired AC1 | June 04, 2010 at 10:53