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July 10, 2009


David Clark

Aviator Call Sign Study

I am initiating a study of aviator call signs. I would appreciate your help in answering the following questions. This study is in response to a senior officer’s comments as a key note speaker at an aero medical conference attended by Army, Air Force and Navy flight surgeons. Thank you for participating in this study. Your name and any other personal information will be kept anonymous; however I ask permission to use your call sign in the publication.

The results will be collated into a paper that I hope to present at an annual Association of Aerospace Medicine conference.

You may save a copy of the survey so you can add responses and then please forward the completed survey to me at [email protected]. Thank you.

David Clark, CAPT, MC, (FS), USN-RC

1: Date of birth
2: Date you entered military service
3: Date you finished flight training
4: Years of military service:
5: Highest rank attained: (use O-1, O-2, O-3, etc). Number of years of education.
6: Your call sign:
7: Aviation duty (i.e., pilot, NFO, flight surgeon)
8: Model(s) and types of aircraft flown:
9: Describe how your call sign was selected or given to you:
10: Do you think your call sign is: a) complimentary or b) insulting c) racially, sexually offensive?
11: Your ethnicity: (Caucasian, African-American, Asian, Native American, etc)
12: Your sex:
13: In a few words, describe how you view your call sign: (proud of it, macho, cool, spot-on, it makes me want to cry like a little girl, etc)
14: Do you think your call sign negatively affected your aviation career? How?
15: Did you wish your call sign was different?
16: Did you get out of the military early because of your call sign?
17: Did you have any derogatory nick names as a child that hurt your feelings?
18: What were your nick names?
19: What are your weak and strong points? Were you always chosen last in team sports?
20: Do you consider yourself: confident, successful, sexually secure, etc or a loser, wimp, asshole, in need of male enhancement drugs, or or a meals a etc?
21: Do you think senior officers in the military should worry about aviator call signs?
22: Do call signs have the potential to affect military effectiveness and combat worthiness?
23: Should call signs be selected for you from a list of pre-approved positively re-enforcing names?
24: Should call signs be banned from use as offensive and detrimental to morale like airplane nose art and pinup pictures?

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