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July 15, 2008


Byron Hukee

Great article, but for the picture taken at Takhli, there is no citation. Where is this image from? I have it posted on my http://skyraider.org site, so maybe from there? The photographer was John Waresh, a former USAF Skyraider pilot on duty with US JUSMAGTHAI in Bangkok at that time.

Also, you say 135332 is second from left. This supports my feeling that the image is from my website since I have it labeled as such. Recently, I noticed that one can clearly see the numerals 60 as part of the tail numbers for that bird, which would be for 139606 another of the three A-1Hs "rescued" from Utapao. So 135332 would have to be one of the two on the right, the other would be 139665. For the record, the bird on the far left is A-1E 132683.

John Carmichael


The article above was penned by "Thomas H. Curry and Others." and supplied to The Executive Director of the Tailhook Association for use in this forum.

Starting point for Tom would probably be here... http://www.warbirdregistry.org/a1registry/a1-135332.html


david barry

This is a terrific article. Well-written, well-researched, extremely informative. My only question is, who wrote it? Unlike the other posts I read here, this has no authori's byline that I can find.

I would like to contact the author, and I would also be interested in finding ways to contact some of the pilots mentioned in the artilce. I will appreciate any information.

Thank you

David Barry

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