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« Raw Video of the Iranian Boats Threatening US Navy Ships in the Persian Gulf... | Main | Blue Angels 2008 Schedule »

January 09, 2008



Giant origami used as a decoy.

Spike Prendergast

Another quality product from the Lockheed Martin "Skunk Works" Team, it's the multi-purpose unmanned autonomous vehicle (MPUAV) called "Cormorant". Conceptually, MPUAVs would be launched from OHIO-class SSGNs from 150 feet underwater. The craft would then float to the surface. Upon reaching the surface the Cormorant would then be propelled by rocket boosters to its mission destination. The Cormorant will be capable of 1,000 lb payloads and has stealth properties. It recovers in a near-stall to water re-entry, at which time it can be captured and recovered into the submerged submarine. Pretty neat...

Although unconfirmed, several weaponized prototype "Cormorants" reportedly were operated successfully from the secret Shackleton Ice Base, the remnants of a massive 30 square mile floating iceberg detached from the Ross Sea ice shelf in Antarctica. As you may recall, Shackleton Ice Base was used as the now-famous at-sea airbase for the "Sky Rangers" during their highly acclaimed four month aerial campaign to suppress the Palauan air pirates and their “Mad Sow” lighter-than-air tabatic gas poach-tankers two years ago. Now abandoned (although still rumored to be able to be returned quickly to operational status by the Sky Rangers), Shackleton Ice Base now drifts somewhere in the cyclonic South Pacific swirl known as the counterclockwise-moving South Central Gyre. It's precise location is currently unknown.

Sea Wolf 45

My first real sighting of a "Sea Bat"!

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