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October 30, 2007


Steeljaw Scribe

> Huge props and thanks to the Association for stepping up to the plate (now, ahem, wonder if our black-shoed brethern in arms will do the same...)

> Folks, we've got a long way to go and a short time to get there: 3.7K of 60K raised thus far. The 'grunts have snaked the high vis/high traffic commentators and of course, are out to a substantial lead. spread the word at work and at Happy Hour. Flyers are avialable - hit http://soldiersangels.org/Flyer1.pdf and http://soldiersangels.org/Flyer2.pdf to pick them up.

> This group truly benefits all services -- see this post: http://steeljawscribe.com/2007/10/31/project-valour-it-its-not-just-for-marines-or-soldiers/
for an example of service to injured Sailors off the USS Frank Cable.

> Last year we were behind even the AF, but through some exceptional (and large) last minute donations, sailed across the finish line early enough that we went back and helped the Marines across ahead of Army and AF :) Let's see if we can do it again this year (except for the cardiac, last minute stuff - please!). Remember, 100%; not 80, not 90 but 100% of monies raised go directly to purchase and distribution of these laptops that dramatically improve the lives of our wounded heroes. Find me another charity in the CFC book that can make that statement...

Thanks and to Team Army, Marine and Air Force -- fight's on!


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