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« San Diego Tailhook Ready Room May Happy Hour | Main | CAG says it's workable »

May 10, 2007


John Carmichael

Looks like this is the place to go for more for more info on this bike...


But wait there's more... There in another one, created by Jessey James link here:


is there a link to the original site of this photo? i would love to see more pics! that is quite a feat of engineering!

and anyone have a clue as to the origin of the motor?

John Carmichael

The Gyroscopic effect of that has got to make turning damn near impossible!

And notice the Spad Engine with a Hornet Fuel Tank! I'm thinking one pass the length of the runway, and Lex ain't the only one screaming for the Tanker Posit!


Steeljaw Scribe

Horsepower sells, but torque wins races and I'll wager this one has gobs of the latter ;) Nice pic btw
- SJS (notorious prop fan and evolutionary throwback)

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