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May 21, 2007


John Carmichael


Please do. And if you have opportunity to snap a few images from the wreath laying we would welcome a photo essay of sorts.


Steeljaw Scribe

Thanks John - FYI as we get closer to 3 Jun the tempo is going to pick-up to a daily countdown posting. For example, Thursday I'm puttni gup the IJN AOB to be followed Friday by the USN carrier AOB and then mirror the chronology beginning with the sortie of Hornet and Big E on 26 May. If you'd like, I can mirror the posts over here as well. Planning on attending the 3 Jun wreath-laying as well at the Navy memorial that day in DC.

John Carmichael


Great! I, along with numerous other Tailhookers are anxiously awaiting your "Battle of Midway" Flight Deck Fridays, last week's was dynamite.

I'll provide you with the background I received on the Macon in the coming weeks. It promises to be good stuff.


John Carmichael

Swampy, you are always welcomed to "hitch a ride!" I fully plan on leveraging your wonderful photos. So I consider this a quid pro quo.



Blogging is easy...link to John. I'm hoping to have access to a computer in Oklahoma so I can continue to pimp your blog.

Steeljaw Scribe

No problema - probably be one of the first post-Midway posts...

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